Scroll down for free IB physics worksheets, free video solutions to the worksheets, free samples of the internal assessment, suggestions for learning physics, and opportunities to teach abroad.

Please feel free to download and share the free IB physics worksheets on this website with all the IB physics students and IB physics teachers you know. 

These worksheets are specifically made for the IB physics syllabus.

The free solutions to all these free IB physics worksheets can be found on the YouTube channel Go Physics Go

There are only three steps required to learn physics from this website:

Step 1: Download the free IB physics worksheets.

Step 2: Print the worksheets or go to a print shop and print a workbook.

Step 3: Watch and take notes on the free videos in the worksheets which you have printed.

Please remember to go on YouTube to comment, like, share, and subscribe!

Suggestion for teachers: Get your school to print a workbook for each student. Begin each topic during class and assign a few problems for homework. Let the students know that they can check their solutions on the YouTube channel.

Free IB Physics Worksheets

Topic A Space, Time, and Motion

Topic B The Particulate Nature of Matter

Topic C Wave Behavior

Topic D Fields

Topic E Nuclear and Quantum Physics

Free Video Solutions to IB Physics Worksheets

The video solutions to all of the worksheets can be found on the YouTube channel Go Physics Go.

Please remember to comment, like, share, and subscribe!

IB Physics Internal Assessment

The IB physics internal assessment is all about showing the IBO that you know how to write a complete lab report.

You really need to go over and apply the mark scheme for the internal assessment again and again to your internal assessment to receive a high score. The mark scheme is given at the bottom of this section.

Ask your teacher for samples of the internal assessment. If he/she can’t provide any for you then go online and try to find some. If that doesn’t work then e-mail me at and I can send you a few.

Get your classmates to read your internal assessment and read theirs too to gain more knowledge.

The IBO does not want teachers to read more than 12 pages for the internal assessment. If your internal assessment is more than 12 pages then you are doing something wrong. If you have too many raw data tables, processed data tables, and/or graphs then consider putting that information in the appendix which will not be counted as part of your physics internal assessment.

Your internal assessment should have the following sections:

  • Cover page
    • Your cover page should have your research question as the title and the phrase “IB Physics Internal Assessment” below it in a smaller font. Nothing else.
    • Do not put your name and candidate number anywhere on your internal assessment.
    • Your cover page is not included as a page in your internal assessment.
  • Introduction
    • State the key physics concepts and define them well.
    • State the physics equation(s) and define each variable.
    • Insert an image or two to be more clear.
    • If you do have a figure, graph, or table then you need to describe it and mention it in the text. Some examples are given below:
      • Figure 3 below shows the lab setup.
      • Graph 2 below shows the intensity vs. time measurements from the raw data. Graph 3 below shows the theoretical intensity vs. time graph from equation 8.
      • Table 6 below shows the raw data. Column 1 lists the trial number, column 2 lists the height, and column 3 lists the time.
  • Research Question
    • This section should have only one sentence: your research question with a question mark at the end.
    • Your research question needs to be easy to find. This is why the title of your internal assessment is also your research question.
  • Variables
    • Make a list of the independent variable(s), the dependent variable(s), and the controlled variable(s).
  • Materials
    • Make a clear list of the materials you will use in your internal assessment.
    • Have one image of all your materials in it. Clearly label your materials on the image.
  • Method to Collecting Data
    • Make a list of steps to conduct the investigation.
    • Insert an image of your lab setup.
  • Ethical and Safety Concerns
    • If there are no ethical and/or safety concerns regarding your internal assessment then write something like “there are no ethical and safety concerns when conducting this investigation.”
  • Raw Data
    • You need a five by five table here. This table will give enough raw data to obtain processed data. It will look something like the table below:
  • Processed Data
    • You need to process your raw data. It will look something like the table below:
    • Also include a clear graph with labeled axes and uncertainties. There are many videos online which will teach you how to do this like this one. It will look something like the graph below:
  • Conclusion
    • What conclusion(s) can you make from your processed data?
  • Errors and Limitations
    • List as many errors and limitations you can think of. Go into detail for each one.
    • The “buzz words” your teacher wants to see in this section are “random errors,” “systematic errors,” “high/low accuracy,” and “high/low precision.”
  • Suggested Methods for Improvement
    • List as many suggested methods for improvement you can think of. Go into detail for each one!
  • Bibliography
    • Most internal assessments have only one resource in their bibliography. That is enough for an internal assessment.
    • You need to learn how to cite correctly. Ask your English teacher for information about this. The Purdue OWL website is a great resource for this.
  • Appendix (Optional)
    • If you have too many raw data tables, processed data tables, and/or graphs then consider adding an appendix section.
    • The appendix section is not counted as part of the 12 pages for the internal assessment.

100 Internal Assessment Ideas for IB Physics

300 Stimulating Ideas for IB Physics Practical Investigations and EE’s

Skillful Writing of an Awful Research Paper

Internal Assessment Mark Scheme

IB Physics Internal Assessment Samples

IB Physics IA Sample 1

IB Physics IA Sample 2

IB Physics IA Sample 3

IB Physics IA Sample 4

IB Physics IA Sample 5

IB Physics IA Sample 6

IB Physics IA Sample 7

IB Physics IA Sample 8

IB Physics IA Sample 9

IB Physics IA Sample 10

IB Physics IA Sample 11

IB Physics IA Sample 12

IB Physics IA Sample 13

IB Physics Extended Essay

The IB physics extended essay is all about showing the IBO that you know how to write a research paper.

You need to choose a research question which is interesting enough to you which will motivate you to read research papers on it.

The extended essay needs many resources in the bibliography. Six would be a minimum number. Aim for double digits.

The IB physics internal assessment may have only one independent variable with one five by five table but the extended essay may have two or more independent variables with two or more five by five tables. In other words you may conduct more labs and obtain more data when completing a physics extended essay than a physics internal assessment.

Ask your teacher for samples of the extended essay. If he/she can’t provide any for you then go online and try to find some. If that doesn’t work then e-mail me at and I can send you a few.

Suggestions for Students

Respect physics by giving it a lot of thought and time. You can’t learn physics concepts quickly. It took thousands of scientists thousands of years to come up with the knowledge in your physics textbook. Don’t think you can learn this information easily and painlessly.

You can visualize most physics concepts. There are a ton of videos on physics experiments online. Spend a lot of time learning and visualizing the concepts in physics.

Watch and take notes on all 52 videos of The Mechanical Universe. I am confident you will fall in love with this video series.

Physics is not math. You are not equation hunting to solve problems. You need to know exactly “what is going on in the physical universe” to solve physics problems with more confidence.

Go through as many examples and complete as many problems as possible before taking a test. Buy a copy of Schaum’s Outlines of College Physics. You can also find this online in pdf format.

Understand the learning pyramid well. Lectures, reading, audio/visual, and demonstrations are all great to learn a topic during the beginning but you must make sure that you have the experience of group discussions, practice by doing, and teaching others to make sure that you have completely understood the topic before being tested on it.

Always check for understanding! Make sure your teacher gives you multiple choice questions and free response questions after teaching a topic! You learn by doing, not by watching or listening!

Opportunities to Teach Abroad

Download the pdf below to get access to more than 130 websites which post teaching opportunities. Please share this pdf with all the teachers you know!

Opportunities to Teach Abroad

About Me

I am an IB math and IB physics teacher. 

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

Please contact me at

This website and the worksheets are not affiliated with the IBO. 

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